Tag: wyoming mi estate planning lawyer

Beware the Double Tragedy in Estate Planning

Last week was National Estate Planning Awareness Week.  An entire week dedicated to raising awareness of the critical importance of estate planning.  It is estimated that over 120 million Americans do not have up to date estate plans.  And according to a recent study, 70% of respondents said that Americans fail to plan because they lack awareness as to why they should.  Even worse, 62% of respondents to the same survey believed that many Americans do not plan because they have the erroneous assumption that estate planning is only for the wealthy.  It certainly is not – read my blog post on the topic here.

So what does that have to do with the double tragedy I refer to in the title?  Even a better question is, what is the double tragedy?  It is this: a dear family member or friend passing away (or you passing away) and a complete lack of an estate plan or a poorly drafted estate plan.  I call it the double tragedy because your family will be dealing with the loss of someone they loved dearly, so why add to their frustration, grief and hardship by leaving them with a mess with your estate due to lack of planning or a “cheapo” estate plan.

Sure, sometimes things go smoothly, but that certainly is not the case in many circumstances.  Why take the chance?  Take the time and money to work with an attorney who focuses on estate planning to help create a comprehensive plan that will show your family how much you cared . . . even after you are no longer here for them.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

Why NOT To Use Joint Accounts As Your Estate Plan

You may remember that I wrote about some of the downsides to jointly owning assets in this previous blog post.   Well, as with all good stories, that wasn’t the end of it and the topic continues to come up.  Forbes.com had a recent article entitled “Top 5 Reasons to Beware of Joint Ownership Between Generations.”

Rather than reproducing the article, I will touch on the high points . . . please read the entire article.  Unlike my previous post covering a wide view of why not to use joint asset ownership as an estate plan, this article focuses on the top reasons related to joint ownership among different family generations.  I’ve heard more than one parent who shared with me that they were told to “just add your child to your bank accounts, financial accounts, and home to assist with financial issues and plan your estate.”

Here are the reasons the Forbes article gives for why that is a no substitute for proper estate planning:

  1. The assets are subject to the child’s creditors;
  2. The assets are subject to the child’s ex-spouse in cases of divorce;
  3. The assets are subject to “borrowing” by the child.  Borrowing is in quotes to signify that this is a case where the child, because he or she is equal owner on the account with mom or dad, uses the account for their own purposes – promising (or not promising) to pay it back.
  4. The child who is on the accounts with mom or dad gets all of those assets when the parents pass away.  That’s right . . . all of it!  Much to the chagrin of their siblings, other family members, and maybe even charities that mom or dad supported.
  5. Many times #4 can lead to family infighting.

Another critical factor making this a big “no no” in many situations is that by owning the assets jointly with their children, the parents are giving up control and risking complications that many would never think of happening.

As the article points out – it is better to have a comprehensive estate plan in place and to work with a Michigan attorney who focuses on estate planning.  A good estate plan allows you to keep control of your “stuff,” receive assistance when needed, avoid probate court after death, and eliminate questions about your true intentions.

Call us at 616-827-7596 to take that important first step.  The first step is always the hardest, and yet it leads to the reward of added peace of mind.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

What Is a Pour-Over Will?

As a Grand Rapids, MI estate planning attorney, I see  a growing number of families who recognize the benefits of a living trust centered estate plan and want a living trust as the foundation of their estate plan.  Many times the other documents in a comprehensive living trust plan are overlooked or giving only a small amount of attention.

One such important planning document is the pour-over will.  No, it’s not actually called that in most cases.  “Pour-over” is the common way to refer to it and helps explain what it is and how it works.  Although the hope is that you never need to use your pour-over will, it plays a very important role if you do.

A pour-over will is . . . well, a will.  More specifically it is the type of will that is often used in a comprehensive living trust estate plan.  In such a plan, the living trust plays the most important role.  In your living trust you will control who receives what, how they receive it, when they receive it, what happens if you are incapacitated, who is responsible for managing the trust assets, and much more.  Think of it as the “hub” of the estate planning “wheel.”

Well, the catch is this – a living trust controls only what it owns.  Said another way, if the living trust doesn’t own it, whatever “it” is will go through the probate court process (unless it is directed by a beneficiary designation or other non-probate transfer mechanism).  That is why it is so critically important to make sure your living trust is fully funded (read my blog post on the topic by clicking here).  But what happens if something you own is not owned by the living trust and ends up going through the probate court process?

That’s where the pour-over will comes in.  The reason this type of will is commonly referred to as “pour over” is because it is designed to make sure anything that is part of your probate estate goes into your living trust after you pass away – it “pours” it into the trust.  It does this by directing that it happen – the will says that any property left in the probate estate at the end of the probate process will be distributed to the living trust.

And like all the parts of a comprehensive living trust estate plan, it is important to make sure your pour-over will is reviewed on a regular basis.  If not, it could fail to do what you wanted it to do!

Have questions?  Call us at 616-827-7596 or contact us via email.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

My First Legal Zoom “Estate Plan” Review

Well, this past week I reviewed my first “estate plan” from legal zoom.  I’ve read about others’ reviews.  In fact, I even referenced an article on do-it-yourself planning in a previous blog post.  This, however, was my first look at a legal zoom estate plan for a potential client who wanted me to review it.  I have to give this person a lot of credit for being willing to have it reviewed.  To not just assume that everything was right (like many people), and to have an open and honest discussion about what it was . . . and more importantly, what it was not.

I’m not going to detail every question I had, every shortcoming of the plan and everything that was not how my potential client wanted it to be.  To do that would take far too much time and you wouldn’t want to read all of it anyway.  Instead, I will highlight a few of the items.  To be fair, these are not just my thoughts as an estate planning attorney.  Each of these items is something the potential client wanted changed because it didn’t work how he wanted it to.  But how would he have known that while filling out the legal zoom questionnaire?  He wouldn’t . . . more on that later.

Here are the biggest issues we came across while discussing the Legal Zoom “estate plan:”

  1. It wasn’t a comprehensive plan – it was just a living trust and a pour-over will.  At a minimum, he should have also had a financial power of attorney and a healthcare power of attorney.  Although the powers of attorney are important in every estate plan, they are particularly important in this gentleman’s situation due to his health condition.  Sure, it could be that he chose only the trust/will combination while going through the Legal Zoom online questionnaire, and it shouldn’t be considered Legal Zoom’s fault that he did that.  I’m not saying it’s anyone’s “fault,” but the fact is, without a good discussion about what estate planning is, what it is not, what is most important to him and what planning is needed to carry out his wishes, how could he have known?!
  2. This is probably second only to the one above.  He had listed several people he wanted to receive varying shares of his estate.  If someone passed away before they received their share, he wanted it to go to their children or, if they had no children, to the others he had listed.  UH OH – that’s not what the trust said.  It said that if any of the folks passed away, it would go to his “heirs” according to Michigan law, many of which were not people on his list and many who would receive much more than he wanted!
  3. There was no HIPAA authorization.  This means that although he wanted a living trust to help keep his affairs out of court during life and after death, someone would have to go through the court process to be appointed as guardian if they needed access to his medical records.  Definitely not what he wanted.
  4. Neither the will nor the trust had a reference to a written list of personal property.  This would have allowed him to say who received what of his personal belongings without him having to change the will/trust each time.  Honestly, I can’t remember reviewing a Michigan estate plan in the past few years that did not have this provision.  I see this as a miss on Legal Zoom’s part.
  5. There were several typos in the documents (for example, the signature section for the trustee had all the trustees names under the signature line written like it was one long name . . . one very long name!).  I don’t know if this was user error or programming error.  Either way, it was a typo.  Have I seen typos before?  Sure, attorneys are humans too and we make mistake sometimes.  However I’ve never seen one that blatant.
  6. Finally, although he had a living trust, it was not “funded.”  That means that the trust didn’t own anything (read my blog post on the topic here).  Ultimately, this meant that although he wanted to avoid the probate court process when he passed away, that would not be the case.  Everything except his life insurance would go through the probate court process before it ended up in the trust and the life insurance would all go to one individual.  See #2 above for why that would be bad.

Please know that the above list is by no means exhaustive.  That is the list of the things that bothered my client the most.  Oh yeah, notice how I changed the phrase to “my client?”  He’s a client now.  He wanted to make sure his estate plan was unique to his family situation and that it would work when needed . . . he didn’t feel the Legal Zoom “estate plan” did that.

I think he summed it up best at the end of the Peace of Mind Planning Session when he said, “wow – well, I guess I just didn’t know what I didn’t know.  I’m glad I had you review it.”

If you have a “do it yourself” estate plan (Legal Zoom or otherwise) and would like the added Peace of Mind of having it reviewed, call us at 616-827-7596.  The review is free and there is no obligation.  Why leave it up to chance?  Give us a call.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

The Critical Importance of Estate Planning for Women

I recently ran across this Forbes.com article about how critically important estate planning is for women.  The article points out how women have been responsible for many accomplishments throughout time and how many of them have become quite successful by any standard.  Yet, even with their increased stature and accomplishment, it seems few have taken the time to do proper estate planning.  The article gives a very interesting statistic comparing weight loss and estate planning . . . you’ll have to read it.

Some of the reasons pointed out in the article for women to do estate planning right now are:

  • Women are more likely to live longer,
  • Married women are more likely to outlive their spouse than are men,
  • “Traditional” estate planning seems to minimize the role of women in the planning, and
  • Your children could very well be lost in the shuffle and end up with caregivers you would not want if something happened to you.

As a Grand Rapids, Mi estate planning lawyer many of my clients have expressed one or more of the above concerns when discussing their planning.  As with most estate planning articles I read, Ms. Jacobs points out the importance of naming guardians in your Will for your minor children.  And like most articles, she stops there.  Well, if you want to help ensure that your children don’t end up in the arms of strangers for any period of time, you need to do much more than just put guardian nominations in your Will.  That’s why all of my clients with minor children have a Children Protection Plan.

And is typical of estate planning articles, the focus is on financial assets.  No matter what your age, children or no children, married or not married, you should look far beyond the financial assets and work with a Michigan estate planning attorney who can help you plan for your Whole Family Wealth – not just what you have but also who you are!  All women have valuable values, insights, stories and experiences that should be shared with family, friends and acquaintances.  And yet, the one thing that is lost when someone passes away – the non-financial assets – is the thing that “traditional” estate planners overlook.

To all the women reading this, please read the article.  Then read it again in light of this blog post.  After reading both, why wouldn’t you “take charge” and move forward with your estate planning?  Your family’s future could very well depend on you!

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

The Importance of Updating and Reviewing Your Estate Plan

As a Grand Rapids estate planning attorney I am privileged to meet with great families and to hear their stories.  Some of those stories are just starting, some have a good portion already written, and some have been finished.  If you’re familiar with me or my previous posts, you will understand why the stories are so important to me and to the type of planning I work on with clients (read previous post here).

This past week I met with a couple that has a truly remarkable life story.  We spent the better part of our meeting having them share the story they’ve written so far and how we could make sure their estate plan would help them write the rest of their story during their life and after they pass on.

During the conversation I discovered that they had previously done planning with another attorney over 20 years ago.  And guess what?  Their plan had not been looked at, reviewed or revised since then.  Some of the documents couldn’t even be found.  Now this didn’t surprise me in and of itself.  I’ve met with many wonderful families that took their estate plan documentation home from their attorney’s office, stuck it on a shelf, let it gather dust and never thought of it again.  There was no followup from their attorney other than they typical statement that “you should review your plan every 3 to 5 years, so give me a call then and we’ll review it.”

Yet for these great folks (and the others whose plans I’ve reviewed) time marched on.  Their life changed, the law changed, their assets changed and the life story they are writing changed.  In this particular case, the life story changed A LOT!  So much so that they asked me, “our current plan is so far off base now, can we just go ahead and trash it and start over?”

After careful review and discussion of their 20+ year old plan, we did just that.  We spent the next several hours designing a plan that was based on their story – their past, their present and their hopes for the future.  And with a plan tailored to their specific story, they have added peace of mind.

But we didn’t stop there.  They were delighted to hear about the Lichterman Law Difference and how we include ongoing 3 year reviews in all of our planning levels.  Yes, that’s right.  For no extra charge we followup with them every 3 years to review their plan, their story and how both relate to current law at that time.  The key is that we followup with them every three years.

I know how life can be and more importantly, that you have a life!  It doesn’t surprise me that few families review their plan every 3 to 5 years.  Life is busy and it gets pushed to the side, if it’s even a thought.  And yet here I am, an attorney whose passion is estate planning and I’m thinking about it every day.  Seems like a no-brainer that I should followup with them.  And that way you can enjoy life and continue writing your life story.

The key to the story is this – you have a story you are writing as you live your life, don’t let the story be tarnished by not having an estate plan or, potentially worse, having one that becomes “stale” and fails when it is needed most.  Why wouldn’t you give us a call to ensure you have a plan the carries out your story (or revise your plan to help it “catch up”)?  Call us at 616-827-7596 today!

Aging Issues and Estate Plans

As a Grand Rapids, Michigan estate planning attorney, I take special note of conversations in the media about estate planning.  That’s how I ran across this recent Grand Rapids Press article entitled “Aging Issues Can Imperil Retirement.”  I believe the overall emphasis of the article is important for two reasons: (1) it points out that everyone needs an estate plan; and (2) trusts are not just for the financially wealthy or for minimizing estate taxes.  After a general discussion, the article lists specific, basic guidelines that can help protect seniors and their families from the consequences of declining mental health.

You’ll notice that #1 on the list is to prepare an estate plan.  I couldn’t agree more.  Why?  No, it’s not just because I’m an estate planning attorney.  It’s because everyone has an estate – either you can say how you want it handled by working with an estate planning attorney to put an estate plan in place, or you can let the Michigan government’s one-size-fits-all plan control what happen.  I think it is important to quickly note the article’s mention of having a living will.  As I previously wrote about in this post, living wills are not legal documents in Michigan.  So make sure you have a Michigan healthcare power of attorney and patient advocate designation.

You’ll notice that having a living trust is #3 on the list.  I’m happy to see that it made the list.  Why?  Because there are so many misconceptions about trusts . . . the biggest being that you have to be wealthy to need one or benefit from one.  I assure you that most of the great families who work with me to create a trust plan for their family are not wealthy by any means.  To give you some examples of “everyday people” reasons, read this previous post.  I’m also pleased to see that the article discusses the benefits of a trust while you are still alive.  There is a big misconception “out there” that trusts are only for when you pass away.  Not so – there are huge benefits to having a trust while you are living.  I will add that in my experience the fees are not usually the 2-3% stated in the article – in my experience that is a high number.

And finally I think it should be emphasized that these issues are too important to do it yourself.  Here in West Michigan we have a very strong work ethic and like to “take the bull by the horns.”  I know . . . I’m that way too.  That’s why we have so many successful individuals and companies.  However, this is not an area where you should do it yourself – there is too much to loose.  To get some real world examples you can read my previous posts on the topic by clicking here, here and here.

After reading the article and this post, why wouldn’t you call us to make sure you have a plan that is uniquely you and provides for you and your family during life and after life?  Call us at 616-827-7596 and mention this blog post for a special treat.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

What’s Included In Your Estate Tax Estate?

In last week’s post, we took a look at what an “estate” is here in Michigan.  Guess what?  That’s not the only “estate” you need to consider when working with a Grand Rapids, MI estate planning attorney (or going through the probate process . . . yuck!).  You also need to consider your federal estate tax estate. No, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will have to pay estate taxes, but you do have to add things up to find out if estate tax is due.  To do that, you need to know what is included when adding up those numbers.  I guarantee you there will be at least a few surprises.

The easiest way is to think about everything you own . . . everything!  Real estate, bank accounts (including some or all of jointly held accounts), retirement accounts, brokerage accounts, automobiles, collectibles, business interests, and life insurance, just to name a few.  Did you catch that last one?  It is a surprise to many people that life insurance they own is included in determining the size of their estate tax “estate.”  I regularly hear, “but I was told life insurance is not taxed!”  Well, yes, it is not income taxed and it may not cause any estate tax (depending on the size of your “estate”), but it is included in determining how big your estate tax “estate” is and whether any estate taxes are due.  You can read my previous post about how to avoid that by clicking here.

We’re not done yet!  Here’s another big surprise to many people . . . your estate tax “estate” even includes some things you gave away!  Yes, you read that right.  A couple of common examples are gifts made within 3 years of death and property that you gave away but in which you retained an “interest.”  The definition of “interest” for these purposes is too in depth for this post, but it is roughly (very roughly) the same as keeping a “benefit” of what you gave away (e.g. the right to say who gets it, the right to receive payments, etc.).

A little bit surprised by all that’s included?  Most people are.  Here’s the thing about probate (your Michigan estate) and estate taxes (your estate tax estate) . . . they are voluntary!  The only people who have deal with them (or whose loved ones have to deal with them) are those who don’t plan to avoid them.

So you can see that we all have an estate and in many cases it is bigger than we thought.  Knowing that, why wouldn’t you call us at 616-827-7596 to have your say in how your “estate” is handled?  We look forward to planning with you.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

What is a Michigan Estate?

As a Grand Rapids, Michigan estate planning attorney, I field all sorts of calls and conversations about estate planning and probate. I also receive calls and questions about areas of law outside my practice area and I am happy to refer those folks to colleagues I trust explicitly to handle the matter well.  I had just such a call this past week.  Why, you may ask, would I use that story to start a post about having a Michigan estate?  Well, as we were wrapping up the call the nice lady said “I really like you and you can be sure that I will call you for estate planning if I ever have an estate.”

I have news for her and everyone else . . . we ALL have estates.  Sure, some are bigger and some are smaller . . . it is not necessarily the vision we may conjure up of rolling green hills with a stately colonial mansion set atop a hill with horses grazing in a field nearby.  Although that sounds nice!  So that begs the question – what is an “estate” for probate and estate planning purposes?

There are actually two “estates” that matter in this context – (1) your Michigan probate estate, and (2) your federal estate tax estate.  In this post I will tackle the first one.

First, make sure you understand what probate is and the context(s) in which you may find yourself (or your loved ones) dealing with it.  If you are unsure, you can read my post on it by clicking here.

So, what makes up a probate estate?  I would start by considering the value of everything you own.  Oh yeah, do not deduct any debt owed on what you own.  That’s right – no deduction.  Why is that?  Because according to Michigan law, the value of assets that must be reported to the probate court is the “fair market value.”  Yes, you can list any “encumbrance” (close to “debt,” but technically not the same), but as far as the inventory fee with the probate court, such “encumbrance” will not be deducted.

Ok, so you’ve added everything up.  Is it a bigger number than you thought?  For most people it is.  Now, you will be happy to know that several common ways of owning assets will keep them out of your probate estate.  If you have any of the following, it will not be part of your probate estate:

  • Jointly owned property (bank accounts and marital homes are the most common in this category).  Note: this only works as long as there is more than 1 joint owner . . . because if there isn’t, it is no longer jointly owned.
  • Beneficiary designated assets – IF the person designated is still alive and is at least 18 years old (retirement accounts and life insurance are the most common in this category)
  • Assets owned by a trust.  Note: just having a trust is not enough . . . it must own the property (you can read more about that in my previous posts by clicking here and here)

So there you have it.  The basics of a Michigan probate estate.  Keep in mind, this is just a basic overview.  It is more complex when you “dig down into it,” which is why I recommend meeting with an attorney who really focuses on estate planning so you can fully understand your specific situation.

Stay tuned as next time I will share what makes up your federal estate tax estate.  That one is not one you want to miss . . . I guarantee you will discover some BIG surprises in that one.  And if you’re ready to make sure that your “estate” is taken care of and that it is done in a way that is unique to who you are, then call us at 616-827-7596 to schedule your Peace of Mind Planning Session.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

A Creative Idea for “Supercharging” Your IRA – Part 2

Ok, so you read my previous post about the incredible legacy you can create by “Supercharging” your IRA.  The logical questions are: what are the drawbacks to the “traditional” approach to IRA beneficiary planning and how do I do the “supercharged” strategy?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  That is what this post is about.

So, how is IRA beneficiary planning typically done and what are the drawbacks?  Usually, a married couple will name each other as the beneficiary of their IRAs.  This is done for many reasons, two of the most common being love and the additional “rollover” options provided to a surviving spouse by the tax code.  Yet, there is a problem . . . spouses are usually near the same age.  That means when the first spouse dies, the “stretch” tax deferral period of the deceased’s spouse’s IRA will typically be rather short.  This goes against the goal of many IRA holders’ desire to maximize the “stretch” period to take full advantage of the tax-deferred growth of their IRA after their passing.

One option is to name a person from a younger generation as the beneficiary of the IRA.  There’s a problem with that too . . . the surviving spouse is left out of enjoying the “fruits of labor” from the IRA.  The “Supercharged IRA” strategy mentioned above is the way to have your cake and eat it too.

In this strategy, a younger person is named as the beneficiary of the IRA.  Or better yet, an IRA Legacy Trust for the benefit of younger people is named so that you can not only maximize the “stretch” tax-deferral period but also make sure the IRA proceeds are asset protected for future generations (from creditors, predators, divorce and poor spending habits).  As mentioned in my previous post, the required minimum distributions from the IRA are used to purchase a permanent life insurance policy on the life of the IRA holder with the spouse named as the primary beneficiary (or better yet, an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust purchases and holds the policy so that it is asset protected from the insured’s creditors, predators and potential divorce).

What is accomplished?  The IRA tax-deferral stretch is much greater because a younger person is beneficiary and the surviving spouse doesn’t miss the IRA benefits because he or she receives the insurance proceeds, which can be much greater than the IRA due to leveraging the life insurance premium.  An additional benefit of this strategy is that it can be used for non-traditional couples and single individuals.

Make sure to discuss this strategy with a financial adviser, life insurance agent and estate planning attorney who are familiar with it and accustom to the mechanics of implementing it in your situation.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.

Your Michigan Family Cottage and Estate Planning

From the small cabin in the woods to the multi-million dollar cottages on Lake Michigan, many Michigan families have a “home away from home.”  Maybe it’s a cottage, maybe it’s a second home.  In either case, it is a place filled with memories, stories and important family moments.  As a Grand Rapids, Michigan estate planning and cottage succession planning attorney, it is no surprise to me that many cottage owners want to ensure that the “family cottage” stays in the family for as long as possible.  They want to make sure future generations have the same opportunity for family bonding and memories that they’ve had.

And yet many Michigan cottage owners do the complete opposite of what it necessary to reach this goal.  Many assume that “it will work itself out.”  Or they figure that “all my kids get along and they know that I want to keep it in the family as long as possible . . . I trust them to take care of it.”  In my experience, relying on things to “work themselves out” virtually guarantees that they won’t.

Cottage planning is not putting your children’s names on the deed to the property or letting your foundational estate plan handle the distribution.  Cottage planning is much more . . . and rightly so given the number of family members who can ultimately benefit from it.

The goal of cottage planning is to create a legal structure that will help ensure the cottage stays in the family for generations to come . . . rather than leaving it to chance.  A proper cottage succession plan is created with a unique blend of estate planning, business planning and real estate law.  If done correctly, it can even protect the cottage from creditors, lawsuits and divorce among the future generations.  Truly creating a legacy that you can be proud of.

In future posts I will delve into some of the cottage planning strategies that work.  In the meantime, call us at 616-827-7596 if you want to make sure that the “handing down” of your cottage isn’t left to chance.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses, cottage planning and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.


The Biggest Misconception About Wills

As a Grand Rapids Estate Planning attorney, I regularly hear misconceptions about estate planning.  A recent conversation reminded me of what I believe is THE biggest misconception about Wills.  During the conversation, a friend said “so I have my will or trust, so I don’t have to worry about going through probate…”

The Myth: having a Will means you don’t go through probate.  And the buzzer says “bzzzzzt,” wrong.  Just having a Will virtually guarantees that you go through probate.  A Will serves as a “roadmap” for the probate process – it allows you to say who you want to do certain things and how you would prefer they be done (and if you have minor children it is one of the ways to name guardians, but definitely NOT the “best” way, in my opinion).  If you’re curious to know more, you can read my previous blog post on the topic by clicking here.

Michael Lichterman is an estate planning and business planning attorney who helps families and business owners create a lasting legacy by planning for their Whole Family Wealth™.  This goes beyond merely planning for finances – it’s about who your are and what’s important to you.  He focuses on estate and asset protection planning for  the “experienced” generation, the “sandwich generation” (caring for parents and children), doctors/physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, professionals with minor children, family owned businesses and pet planning.  He takes the “counselor” part of attorney and counselor at law very seriously, and enjoys creating life long relationships with his clients – many of which have become great friends.